Seeing Our Way To The Future
21st century holistic solutions



Whole Brained Thinking

Posted 12/12/2012
by Yasha Husain

'Charting the Course'
is an education
that encourages
more whole brain
the reliance
which brings
thinkers, in a
closed, holistic
learning network.

The author of this
website has written
in her book, Holistic
Living: Tips for
, how
people along the
autism spectrum are
naturally more
while "neurotypical"
people, tend to, from a young age, become dominant
thinkers, with the exception that both
access interhemispheric, and graduated, thought.

The 'Charting the Course' education proposal
shares a vision for a school system that will help all character-types, including people who are dominant left-brained thinkers, who think more linearly, and who are dominant right-brained thinkers, who think more by association, in part by bringing them together into one classroom.

The proposal is also for a single, closed, holistic system, which interweaves the modern education system with holistic, closed systems of the world.

The full education
can right now
be viewed
using the

With questions
or comments,
please email:




Article - Opinion

Enneagram: a foundation for the sciences
By Yasha Husain
February 3, 2013

In Enneagram, as it is increasingly well-known in psychological circles, there are nine character or personality types, each with positive and negative traits, and a means for achieving universal balance.

The nine character types, around the circular, Enneagram symbol, are: 9. Peacemaker or Mediator. 1. Perfectionist. 2. Guide or Helper. 3. Producer. 4. Artist or Individualist. 5. Sage or Thinker. 6. Column or Support. 7. Visionary. 8. Justice or Truth.

To achieve balance at any of these positions requires the knowledge of the whole Enneagram, and the wisdom of Type 9, the Peacemaker, which is all-encompassing.

It is only one of the ways of Enneagram that it may be perceived as this microcosm of the mind from which, once the wisdom of Enneagram is understood, one can extrapolate and begin to see the whole truth.

Not enough is said about Enneagram as it relates to the sciences more generally, in particular physics, and to all of the laws of the universe, in their most practical or foundational terms.

The other day I was thinking about this. I was thinking first-of-all in terms of astrology and how it relates to the sciences, of course, but associatively, not only abstractly. Then, in order to prove the associations exist, or rather that there are direct and significant physical correlations between astrology and the “earth” sciences, for example, I realized they must be discoverable by way of the Enneagram. The Enneagram, in actuality, showcases that astrology, a force also behind the Enneagram, is like a starting point for the general sciences, though the symbol is seldom understood this way.

And while I know Enneagram has been used historically to describe not only psychology but the workings of the entire universe, I decided to do my own brainstorming on the subject to see if I could next, relying on what I already know, make sense of such a theory, without even a text book in hand.

Here's what I came up with with very little musings. The Enneagram types as they may be relatable to the stars and the sciences may be described as follows:

Type 9: the Mediator, is like a force field that embodies all of the laws of nature and the universe. The force field acts as a mediator for all of the energy that exists. It and Type 4, the Artist, are the two constants on the Enneagram symbol. They protect and maintain what nature intended.

Type 1: the Perfectionist, determines right from wrong by way of observation of truth, and is a directional force in the universe, providing as well energy for acceleration.

Type 2: the Guide or Helper, provides the level of support needed to allow a force or entity to accumulate know-how, or mass, as it moves forward in a pivotal direction.

Type 3: the Producer, begins at spiraling motion, and as there is spiraling, bodies in motion experience circular or elliptical orbit, simultaneously spawning new life in the solar system.

Type 4: the Artist, is representative of the beauty contained in nature and the universe and is the second constant on the Enneagram. By way of accurate perception, the body holds in place, upholds, what should be.

Type 5: the Thinker, via meditation has obtained depth of knowledge from having known the position of true beauty, and now can understand in more depth the “nature” of the workings of the universe so to create the basis for the solidity and support at Type 6.

Type 6: the Column, is a strong, foundational anchor for the entire wisdom of the Enneagram, and all of its laws. Because of this body's strength it is the direct precursor to Type 7, the vision, or chaos.

Type 7: the Visionary, is the position of climactic creativity and chaos in the universe, from this position stems holistic solutions and truth.

Type 8: the Truth, is where communication of what is truth and justice by way of understanding the resolve of the visionary is revealed, and using analytic or descriptive means that in turn provide sustenance and stability.

It's the real challenge of the whole Enneagram evolution, or orbit, from Type 9, where all people's or body's positions can be seen and understood, to Type 8, Truth, to see if truth can still be discerned at 8, and held in place thereafter by 9, and even as further evolutions take place.

If my analysis is correct, it can be only telling of the timeless knowledge the ancient Enneagram symbol holds and it translates, I think, to the notion that it is perhaps the stars we must understand as a basis for all of the other sciences, the humanities included, as they relate to the primordial and evolved aspects of our nature, and the nature of the universe, and can thus be extrapolated on in terms of not only psychology but the physical sciences, as well as mathematics, medicine and spirituality.

The Enneagram, I would argue, should at the very least not go underrepresented.






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